snakes and lamps.... and whats that smell...

Well it certainly has been a busy first full day.  Breakfast - yum yum.  Then off to the central square... oh boy.  What is it like... sort of like Kuta Square Bali, but worse hussling, and an arabic influence.

We got 'befriended' by a local, who for 'no fee - free for you' I show you where the tanneries are... well as it turns out he did, but to look at the tannery owned by his friend - $$, to look at the shop also owned by his friend - $$, and the sneaky bugger found us again and asked for money. I had to firmly remind him he promised that he wasn't going to charge... got a little tense.

Well it wasnt a total bust, we did learn something about the process of tanning hides, and the short version - requires fermented pigeon shit they collect from the Atlas Mountains to soak the hides in for about three weeks to soften them!  So yes, the tannery stunk...they actually give the poor delicate westerners some mint leaves to smell as you wander around.  No fear tho... we were brave lads and didn't use it... but I have had to wash the clothes tonight!  If you have been to a piggery... similar to that. ;-)

Then we took a journey through the souks.  Interesting markets, lots of handicrafts and stuff, not quiet as much husseling, but you dont want to stop and admire anything as you get pounced on to buy!  All part of the experience.  We covered most of the areas of the souks, but didn't take too many pics... I'm sure we would have had to pay someone for the privilege of taking them. A couple of places I might go back and buy something from there stall and ask then to take a pic.

Next we were out in the main square again, and we spy cobras and snake charmers... charming mostly the tourists out of money.  Well surprise surprise... I turn around to find Paul and he now has a snake and its being wrapped around his neck... whats more he's now heading to where the cobras are to have a picture taken...with a cobra whilst the locals stand well back!  Next the guy heads towards me with a snake as I'm taking pics.... oh boy... tomorrow, some of the local parks...more adventures to come...