black glory.... revisited...

Afternoon all. Yes I have been a bit quiet lately, with the war wound and all.

Good news on the thumb front, its healing REALLY well.  So much so I was even out with the camera today.  Anyways, I have recently got into Phase One Capture One  software as my principal RAW processor.  I'm VERY impressed with it.  Anyhoo... I've been having a look at a number of my iconic shots recently and reprocessing and reinterpreting them.

The one I have had a look at again over the weekend was an image I called Black Glory.  I orginally produced as an A2 piece for a very dear friend for a Christmas present, and looks very striking.  You can find the original post of this one here Black Glory - Original.

The reinterpretation?  I'm glad you asked... I found the that the colour saturation and contrast and blue highlights work really well.  The finished piece... for you.

Do you like it?