Jeff Wall Exhibition in Perth, May 2012

Well, firstly a big thank you to my buddy Gary Giles, who organised and invited me to meet and see Jeff Wall's exhibition in Perth.  For those of you who don't know, Jeff is one of my photographic heroes, and one of the all time iconic photographers.  If you have an opportunity over the next 15 months, the exhibition is touring Australia.  Last night a few of us got to spend some time with him getting a private tour of the exhibition, before the formal opening.  He's a very humble guy, bright, and clearly very talented.  If you get a chance in Perth, this Sunday he is giving a free lecture at 2pm.  Well worth it for all my photog Perth buddies.

And a big thank you for Gary for organising this very special event, and asking Jeff to sign one of the exhibition books for me!  Thank you Gary. x