Eureka on Facebook....

An awesome and humbling post from Lane Rasmussen.... thank you buddy, glad I could help out.
"Eureka in the Bathtub! Well, almost. This variation: Eureka on Facebook!

Last night I was chatting with Kingsley Burton, a wicked photographer in Australia. This guy is totally amazing and he has been very kind in helping me out with various things photographic. While we were chatting last night he pointed out an error I was making with my flashes. I won’t bore anyone with the details, but it was a moment of both embarrassment and joy. I was embarrassed at realizing that I was not doing what I thought I was doing, and I was overjoyed to see the window finally open and comprehension come pouring in. Great Zeus, I love moments like that! Thank you Kingsley Burton Photography!"

Photo courtesy of Natalie Anne (