
Just to mix it up a bit, a sort from a while ago, with Heath.  Heath was initially reluctant to get in front of the camera, but buddy Damien and his finance Natalie eventually encouraged him to do it, and I'm so glad he did.  Heath is a great bloke too.


This is an image of Rixy, on the wire ladder.  That ladder was bloody tricky to work with, but Rixy nailed it.  Shot during the day, with Rixy on one boat, me on another (trying not to fall in).  I think I have some bts shots from Natalie Branco. Natalie assisted me for this shoot, and in fact did a post on her blog of the experience.  I love the mystery, the location, and the boys looked great.  Enjoy.

Cal by the sea wall

So sometimes people ask me about the exotic and far flung location I go to do my portraits.  Well I thought I would give you a little behind the scenes look.

The location... oh, its a ripper!

The location... one of the tunnels!  Its actually a flow drain between the sea wall and the jetty opposite.  The gentlemen in the yellow t-shirt is Paul Renfree, my contact/coordinator/lighting and motivator for the shoots I did with the Australian Clearance Dive Team 4.  Paul is a great bloke, but I was a little uncertain about this location.

The result, well, I think I did a pretty good job.  What do you think?

Say g'day to Cal.

Ok, another diver for you... this time Cal

Had a great session with Cal doing this shot.  I was hard to pick which one I preferred.  I may show you the other pick at the end of the series.  Cal was a natural in front of the camera, relaxed and composed.  I on the other hand was in the water, with a very expensive camera and an inner ear problem!  Luckily the camera and I survived, and Cal looks great.  HDND.

Jay under the shower....

Now back in September last year I posted this shot, well a screen capture of my monitor.  It is one of my favourites, so I thought I would share what the final image looked like.  I'm really happy with it, and Jay was an absolute tropper... that shower was a cold shower, and we were outside, in winter, and he didn't complain once!  HDND!  Anyways, enjoy.

... another one from the Calendar....

OK, I have another image from the calendar.  This time of Rixy. Great bloke.  He was really great to work with.  Working on that wire ladder is bloody difficult, and to hang around and try and get into position is a great dare harder than it looks.  The rest of the images were great from the shoot... but this is the final image.

Very happy with it, well done mate.  Hope the new adventures go well.

Welcome to 2012...

Well for those of us in Oz, welcome to 2012.  Those buddies in far off countries, enjoy your New Years Eve.

Now to start 2012 off with a bang, I thought I would share one of my all time favourite images.  This one is of my buddy Damien, who is a professional diver, and we did a shoot for a fundraising campaign which we are expecting to be launched this year.

I really like this image and had the opportunity to shoot it twice... first whilst we were scouting locations, then again many months later.  Now what you don't see is the crew (Craig and Paul) getting very wet and trying to avoid getting the flash equipment wet, and myself dropping my flash remote in the water, and copping a full wave in the face!  Thank goodness for pro-gear with good seals!

Anyways ladies and gents... welcome to the new year and I hope you enjoy this image and get to see the final image in the production that it was created for... more to come...