a little green and gold...

The last post was "Red Fan", this one is a Little Green and Gold.  I have been taken by texture and colour recently.  This image is another recent aerial image whilst I was up visiting Nicholas, Juddy and Puds.  I love the texture, I love the complexity and the intricate nature of the landscape.  Yes, it is a landscape.  However this image looks like it could be a tissue section or a macrophotograph.  I have one more in the series after this one.  Enjoy. Hasta luego.

What is it...???

I recently had the fortune to do some work up north, and on the way back I dropped into Broome to see my best buddy Nicholas and Justin.  On the way to Broome I was intrigued by all the forms, texture and complexity of the landscape beneath me.  So as usual I spent most of the trip pressed up against the window trying to capture decent images.  This one though I like.  It looks to me like a repeating form of nature.  Is it a slide of a kidney, and blood vessel network in the brain, or what?  Enjoy.


Captured by an image.. seizing the moment...

An image from the air, flying out of Broome.  I have a large 1x1.5m painting of this image in my office that a very talented member of the team painted.  Thanks Jeff!

The image itself was captured in a light aircraft about 30 seconds after take off.  Now if I learnt anything from this shot, was, I love aerial photography.  I will post a few more of the northwest.  And the other thing was to ALWAYS have your camera with you.   Something I dont always do... but am getting better about.

At least I always have 'a' camera with me... just might not be 'the' camera I want to shoot with.
