My Mars landscape shot

The Mars landscape from 2km from the surface.... if you look closely you can see the Mars Rover in the centre of the image.....

only kidding... this is actually a shot from the Broome journey.  This is a bit of ground at Roebuck Bay.  The texture and colour caught my eye immediately.  Enjoy.

Billy Goat Browne!

Ahhhh, for those of you how haven't met my best buddy Nicholas, here he is... he has a tendancy to head for the highest point around and climb it, just like a mountain billy goat.  A couple of times I thought about joining him on the 'climbs' however I thought that a person with a balance disorder that had flared up probably wasn't a good idea!

Dunes at sunset....

Today's post is yes, another from the Broome trip.  This time of a sand dune.  I love and was enchanted by the repeating patterns created from random chaotic wind. Enjoy

White and brown paper...

OK - so this isn't paper, and yes it is another from the Broome series.  This time on a photowalk with Nicholas, and came across this on a rock far away from the water.  I am not sure how and what made these markings, however the tone, and texture reminded me of scrunched paper.

Trails in the sand....

This is another Broome abstract, except, its not an abstract.  This one was taken whilst I was visiting Nicholas and Juddy up in Broome.  The landscape and environs are full of diversity and amazing things to see and photograph. The area also changes between the wet and the dry seasons.  This one was taken during the dry whilst walking on the beach at Roebuck Bay.  I was immediately taken by the amazing colour, texture, patterns in the sand along the waters edge.  Enjoy.

Broome (Mars) Rover

One of the things I enjoyed about my trip to Broome, was that the landscapes and general area was very different and primitive looking.  This one, is just a bit of fun.... a tribute to the primeval landscape. 

? moonscape

Another shot from Broome... Broome has the most amazing textures and patterns in its landscape.  Very much looking forward to going back for a proper visit. I suspect this image will look awesome large.


This shot was taken from my recent trip to see Nicholas and Juddy.  Nic and I were out at Gantheam Point looking at all the little crabs scavenging across the low tide sand, and I was caught by this little patch of red dirt amongst the normal sand.

a little green and gold...

The last post was "Red Fan", this one is a Little Green and Gold.  I have been taken by texture and colour recently.  This image is another recent aerial image whilst I was up visiting Nicholas, Juddy and Puds.  I love the texture, I love the complexity and the intricate nature of the landscape.  Yes, it is a landscape.  However this image looks like it could be a tissue section or a macrophotograph.  I have one more in the series after this one.  Enjoy. Hasta luego.

What is it...???

I recently had the fortune to do some work up north, and on the way back I dropped into Broome to see my best buddy Nicholas and Justin.  On the way to Broome I was intrigued by all the forms, texture and complexity of the landscape beneath me.  So as usual I spent most of the trip pressed up against the window trying to capture decent images.  This one though I like.  It looks to me like a repeating form of nature.  Is it a slide of a kidney, and blood vessel network in the brain, or what?  Enjoy.


Broome Salt Artist Proof

Bit of a different type of image from me this time.  This is an image of the salt flats outside of Broome, whilst climbing to cruising altitude in a light aircraft.  I really like this one at the moment.  The original image has actually been made into a very large painting that is hanging in my office by one of my ex-colleagues Jeff Ovens.  I'll take a photo of the painting tomorrow.

Captured by an image.. seizing the moment...

An image from the air, flying out of Broome.  I have a large 1x1.5m painting of this image in my office that a very talented member of the team painted.  Thanks Jeff!

The image itself was captured in a light aircraft about 30 seconds after take off.  Now if I learnt anything from this shot, was, I love aerial photography.  I will post a few more of the northwest.  And the other thing was to ALWAYS have your camera with you.   Something I dont always do... but am getting better about.

At least I always have 'a' camera with me... just might not be 'the' camera I want to shoot with.
