Ok... Ok.... the large canvas....

OK, here you go. 

I had a number of calls about the canvas I was working on.  It's a 24x34" canvas of my cowboys pic.  One of my all time favourite images. 

I posted up the black and white version the other day, but I had a few calls about the colour version.  It's bright, it's vibrant... and I love it.

Now a bit of boring photoshop detail.  Processed in Nikon Capture, the original is 8x6" and has been blown up with the help of Genuine Fractuals.  Image manipulation is minimal, cropping, and a bit of dodging and burning, and a tad of cloning on the shirts to cover a few stains which are a lot more evident on the larger image.  

Canvas is being processed by Fitzgerald Photo Labs  www.fitzgeraldphoto.com.au who I highly recommend. 

Where's it going?  In the studio.  When can you see it? Whenever you want. 


Cowboy style

My favourite image of all... this shot was taken in Sydney 2005, the weekend of Mardi Gras and as it turns out Cher's farewell concert in Sydney... the place was going off.  The parade was fabulous... the concert rocked!  What a weekend.  

This shot was taken after the parade walking back to the hotel.

To me it symbolises the love and joy of a community...

Cowboy style