a quick visit back in time... back to Madrid for a sec...

We were going through some of the images from Madrid tonight... some good ones to come, but we did come across the images of The Sofia which I hadn't posted.  The Sofia is short for the The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS) is the official name of Spain's national museum of 20th century art(informally shortened to the Museo Reina SofíaQueen Sofia Museum, El Reina Sofia, or simply The Sofia).

We almost did end up going to this one as we where a little fatigued of all the religious art that we had seen in the preceeding days.  And we also thought it was a small building, small collection, and one we could miss.  BUT we steeled ourselves and made the journey through the back streets to find it only to come across this...

The museum entrance with the Dali sculpture was impressive.  The collection... very impressive.  So pleased we made it there.  The building is actually a reconditioned old hospital.  and the sculpture in the front... well here's a clue... there is a person on the left hand side in the corner taking a pic... if you can spot her. 

Now back to Marrakech.  Its very hot here today.  And I'll post more on what we did today tomorrow... suffice it to say that Paul and I are now even on the 'oh god, what have you taken me to see' stakes today :D


Mouse for desert?!?!

So tonight is our last night in Madrid... and we were desperate for some simple food.  Luckily we found a great Argentinian steakhouse... and the guys looked after us very well.  We were very early for Madrid dinning... it was 9pm... most people dont start going out till that time for dinner!  Anyways we had a great feed, and were treated to a desert.  It was 'Mouse', "oh" said we?  And then the mousse arrived... we had a great night exchanging my bad Spanish and their bad English and a lot of laughs.... tomorrow onto Morocco!

the stuff tears are made of...

I was chatting to David DuChemin about our holiday and noted that I was travelling photographically light.  Only one camera body and one lens.  Well the camera survived the trip all the way except when we got Barcelona... went to take a shot and this is what greeted me!  *Big sobs and hysteria*

After treking around Barcelona trying to find a Servico Technica open, with no luck, we decided to wait to get to Madrid.  Luckily after a few false starts we find a lovely camera repair lady who not only fixes the lens but decides not to charge us.  So in true Aussie style we went and bought her a big box of choccies, which she initially didn't believe we were giving her.  She saved the trip!  

Parking style in Madrid,..

So we are having dinner in Madrid, in the 'cheerful' part of town... (Madrid is VERY cheerful) we were amazed at watching this guy park his car... get out... and admire the parking technique and giving us the thumbs up... amazing style... oh... he.. was tall, dark, handsome, and very well dressed...we just smiled and waved back...