City Series II || Opal Mosaic

This photograph intrigues me. The combination of colour, intensity and form reminds me of the combination of blueish Opals, and mosaic tiles. I'm very intrigued as to whether you like this one or not.  Interestingly I haven't been able to pick 100% what you, my friends, like in this series, and by that I mean how many people stop,view and like it.

I  love the high degree of complexity in this images, that demonstrate both a high degree of order, as well as chaotic organic-like forms.

I dont often talk about what I see or what captured me to talk the photograph but this time I wanted to let you know what I saw or rather what intrigued me.   The first thing that I noticed was the highly structured black window frames contrasted by the horizon light blue/purple windows.  Next I loved both the complex reflection pattern that looked in some panes as highly structured and regular next to organic like curved reflections, with different strips of horizontal colour.

For me, I seek or rather experience photographs or get drawn to them, often I'm not sure why, its more an intuition or feeling I get about them.

Anyways enough prattling.  I hope you like this image.  Enjoy.

City Series II || Crisp Colour Pane

Todays post is something a little different in the City Series.  Whilst the subject matter is the same, I have 'developed' this image slightly differently.  You may not be aware but I am very drawn to colour in my images... yeah, ok, so thats not a big secret... but this image is awesome because of the vigour, liveliness and vitality with out being over saturated.  Beautiful and complimentary tones of graphical and architectural forms.  Enjoy.

City Series II || Blue Hatches

A complex interplay of lines, colour and form.

I love the blue of the reflections with scattered cream lights showing from the inside of the building.

Just out of interest this shot was taken immediately before Korner Kalidescope.  Just goes to show that a few steps one way can change the view and photograph radically.

I hope you enjoy Blue Hatches.

City Psychadelic I

For some of you who have been following my Facebook page I showed the working up of a new image earlier in the week.  Well its done now and here it is - "City Psychadelic".  Strong colours and form in Manhattan.  This would look particularly stunning in a large print on alumalux.

For the eagle-eyed, you notice a church steeple in the shot as well.  I decided to leave it there to give the photograph some dimension and anchoring to its location.

Remember to 'click' on the image to see it larger.


Manhattan 228

A bit of a break from the reflections series, even though I know I posted a teaser up on FB.  Anyway for the first day of 2014 I thought I would post something about new and old things, and about infinite possibilities that are before us.

Today, "Manhattan 228", a image of a derelict door, a door that could lead to anything and everything.  So for today, the first day of the year, symbolic of new possibilities, open the doors of old and create wonderous new things in your life.
