... the other job's - the cubby-hole...

So this is where I hang out, whilst we are waiting for our new offices to be finished... hence the boxes... I just have the raw estentials out... the computer, the pics, and the toys... all the rest is in the boxes!


So why share this?  Well, its an important part of my life... it pays for the bills, and I get to make a bit of a difference to the way health is delivered in WA.  Not all bad.  Though the decor in the interim offices has A LOT to be desired!

Ok, back to the normal programming.....

my other job part ii

OK, the rest of the team... we'll have to capture them... they are a great bunch... a great group of people to work with, who do the most amazing things, and are talented, creative and well, fabulous.  Its a pleasure to work with them... well, other than 'having' to work... they make it a bloody good reason to come in every day. 

This snap, taken at a recent outing, with only some of them, in total we number 38, so trying to get them all together is a logistic nightmare.   Shot taken at our local Vietanmese resturant Phi Yen. 

I shall get some more shots of them... mwhahahaha... be afraid guys, be very afraid!

my other job...

So some of you have asked... who do I work with when I'm at my other job... the one that pays the bills :D

Well the next few posts on that....

First off, my team,

My 2IC - ER - Elizabeth - she's a legend...actually she's is my partner in crime rather than a 2IC. She offers wise counsel and gets things done. She's been around the traps and seen it all... and humours me mostly... and shakes her head at me mostly... oh, and tells me off!


Oh, this is the view from inside my office, looking out too... see all the boxes, well we are in temporary holding area whilst 'they' get our offices ready.