San Francisco in December 2008

Well every couple of years the American Society of Haematology (ASH) is in SF and we both usually go and take a month off and catch up with our good mates Vince and Ron.  This year was one of those years, however with the current financial gloom and the not so good Australian dollar we decided that only Paul would go and do ASH, and we would go to India in February... well that was until the recent terrorist attacks in India!  Anyway I digress... SF.  

ASH is a big international conference about 25,000 delegates... yup, its big!  Anyway Paul got a chance to catch up a couple of times with Vince and they went down to the new California Academy of Sciences, that houses a huge aquarium, planetarium and a four-story rainforest all under one living roof with funky windows in the ceiling.  Some images from the Academy visit.

Denmark in June 2008...

A bit of a late post... but Paul escaped to Denmark in June, just the start of summer for a 3 day conference.  Took him three days to get there and back for three day meeting.... thats hard work.  Images are from the train and the entrance to the Tivoli Gardens.