City Series II || Crisp Colour Pane

Todays post is something a little different in the City Series.  Whilst the subject matter is the same, I have 'developed' this image slightly differently.  You may not be aware but I am very drawn to colour in my images... yeah, ok, so thats not a big secret... but this image is awesome because of the vigour, liveliness and vitality with out being over saturated.  Beautiful and complimentary tones of graphical and architectural forms.  Enjoy.

City Series | Inception I

New image from the City Series titled "Inception I".

The bold tortured lines of the buildings reflections are twisted and deformed like in the movie Inception. But underlying this chaos and complexity, offices can been seen, were people are trying to impose order and organisation.  The metaphor for our minds? Perhaps.


City Series | Ecru vista

This image was taken around 25th Street in Manhattan, from the roof of our apartment.  The light was going down very quickly and this vista just popped into and out of existence very quickly.  The thing about some of these reflections is that they are only seem for a short period of time from one year to the next.  I suspect this was one of those images.

As always you can click on the image for a larger version, and remember these images are copyrighted and have embedded Digimarc protection.


Singing Blue Silver

The title of this one is from some lyrics of one of my favourite songs, The Chauffeur, by Duran, Duran.

"...And the droning engine throbs in time with your beating heart 
And the sun drips down bedding heavy behind the front of your dress all shadowy lined 
And the droning engine throbs in time with your beating heart 
Sing blue silver ..."

Yes, I'm an eighties child, and this image reminds me of this song.  The silvery blue and throbbing orange.  Yes I see/hear pictures :D


Peach days

I am really enjoying the recent series of architectural and abstract work. The colour and forms are bold, vibrant and powerful.

Today Peach Days, is another one of those favourites.  Any idea what it is?

I hope you like it.



Another from the City Series.  This one is called "Morphed".  Walking around Manhattan delivers so much to see and experience.  One of the things I really notice whilst I'm there is the amount of people. They are everywhere. Yes I know that isn't surprising... but you just notice it.  So for me I wanted to capture something different from this city... hence a focus on some of the buildings.

This one is beautiful as a large print.  The colour and form of the lines engage me, and then I notice that I can see inside the offices and accommodation.  A red folder on the window sill, a buch of post-it notes on the wall.  Enjoy the image.