Top blue

Another post so quick after the last one... crazy!  This one is for William, who is a terrific landscape photographer who is currently using the same type of camera this one was taken with.  The Hasselblad H4D, with 120mm macro lens.  I still haven't processed the images I shot with this camera the last time I used it... but here is a quickly processed shot.  Enjoy.

Purple haze

OK this one is also from a photowalk in August.  Yes I'm a bit behind in processing.  This image was taken in a park garden... yes, me lurking around in the bushes with a camera!  I love these Iris's.  They are known commonly as Japanese Iris's, but if someone actually knows what they are called just drop me a line so I can correct it.  The shot was taken about 11:50 AM, when I look at the metadata, which shows that you can get a nice shot in the middle of the day.  Enjoy.

Black exotica

Something a little different.  As most of you would know I like my colour and contrast however in looking at this image I was struck not by the colour, but by the pattern, structure and form.  So the challenge was to look at this in a different way.  I don't normally do black and white, but I like this.