City Series I | Golden Views

City Series I | Golden Views

Golden Views of Manhattan. One of my favourite images from the series. I love the complex, colour, and forms of this capture. I also like that we can see into a few windows and see the rooms window sill furniture, providing a splash of colour and forms different to the surface and reflections of the buildings.



Another from the City Series.  This one is called "Morphed".  Walking around Manhattan delivers so much to see and experience.  One of the things I really notice whilst I'm there is the amount of people. They are everywhere. Yes I know that isn't surprising... but you just notice it.  So for me I wanted to capture something different from this city... hence a focus on some of the buildings.

This one is beautiful as a large print.  The colour and form of the lines engage me, and then I notice that I can see inside the offices and accommodation.  A red folder on the window sill, a buch of post-it notes on the wall.  Enjoy the image.