Photowalk: Looking up at my feet

Now I was nearing the end of my scouting, and wandering along St Georges Tce, when I had an urge to look up... no idea why... but this is what I saw. Click on the image for a larger version.  I'm liking this one :D


Photowalk scouting V

Walking through the city, and coming across the new Arena, it was hard not to be taken by this new contemporary construction of The Arena.  However I wasn't ... whilst its newly finished facade is bold, blue, and interesting, I was drawn by some reflection in the windows of a building across the rail tracks in Northbridge.  Again, I'm a sucker for a reflection, its almost like a hidden truth, a partial glimpse of something... (oh dear, getting all deep!).  The colour and forms caught my eye. Enjoy!

Photowalk scouting IV

Out and about on the walk, I would have to say one of my favourite areas at the moment is Brookfield Place in the city.  The mixture of architecture and forms is awesome for things to see and shoot.  As well there are heaps of people stairs, interesting pubs, restaurants, and chocolate shop!  One of the things I like to shoot is reflections.  I know... its a bit odd, anyhow, see if you like this one.