Green goodness...

This shot was taken deep in the Indonesian rain-forrest.  After many days travel and hours trekking we came upon an idealic watering hole, a place of peace and solitude.  Food and drink was in copious amounts around us, and rare and exotic species from all across the globe were in our vicinity. An idealic place for a shot*.  I was taken by the fig tree and how the fruits were on the stem and branches of the tree.  The contrast between the green and grey is devine.  Enjoy!

* ok, so it may have also been pool-side at the Maya Resort, down by the river, a long walk from breakfast, where a few other peeps were hanging out as well.  Still a nice tree.

Spring Coral

Over the last few weeks it had been getting colder and colder, and all of a sudden, a bit of warmth and the all the deciduous trees burst into life.  The great thing about where we live is we are in an old neighbourhood with lots of mature flowering trees.  This tree below is our neighbours, and when it comes into flower all the birds come from everywhere to break their winter fast.  Always an awesome sight.