Urban dreaming VII: Tie me up....

As soon as I saw this wall I knew I need to photograph it for this series.  Though the locals who where near by when I was photographing it were someone bemused by my attention and focus, and wondering why was a bloke with a big camera taking a picture of our cruddy wall.  Well cause it looks pretty to me.  I love the texture, the contrast and colour... Enjoy.

Photowalk scouting II

I wanna thrown you up against the wall and.... oh, hello viewers.  Welcome back.  Today we have one of my favourite things to shoot, next to people, flowers and other abstract forms, yes, its old crumbly textured walls.  This one was spied out the corner of my eye, down a lane-way off Hay St.  I was immediately taken by the colour and texture. Heavily marked, dense colour, bits falling off, and heavily weathered.  Ahh, perfect.  I think this image is awesome by itself and I may use it as a texture element in other pieces.  Yes, I know it is weird to be excited by a wall... but there you go. Part of the rich tapestry of life.  Enjoy.