A day on the town...

Also we were very fortunate to spend some time with a very dear friend, MCS. Merrole has done a fantastic job on her renovations of her place. First call was a walk around the botanical gardens, then a caught Priscilla the Muscial (a must see!), followed by a yummy dinner and a dip in the new pool.

Thanks sweetness for the hospitality.


2nd stop - the main event

Second stop for the day was back at Mt Eliza. The first get together of the siblings since Denae and Davids wedding. The event, the celebration of Di's 60th... am I allowed to say the number???!!

A couple of snaps of the clan.

First stop... Rosebud

Where you ask, right down the bottom of Melbourne. Stopped in for a quick visit to see Dilys, Meiling, Ian and the boys.

they are growing up...

OK - looks like the honey eaters are almost fledged, and its looks like they have managed to care for two babies in the nest this year.

another new arrival

Well for those of you have been/seen the house know that we have been searching for the last three years for a red ottaman for the dressing room.... well at long last it has arrived! What do you think?

... more little ones...

Seems we have little ones all over the house! Here are some photos from some New England Honeyeaters nesting in one of the trees. One shot when they had just hatched - there's two of them... and the other is from today when they were two weeks old.

A quiet Sunday nite...

A quiet Sunday nite over at Susie's with Gary and Stewart... during the evening... the great camera shoot off!

Paul's 50th....

Here's a little something with did one Sunday..... celebrated Paul's 50th... images from the last 50years and some of the party.

Paul's 50th....

Here's a little something with did one Sunday..... celebrated Paul's 50th... images from the last 50years and some of the party.

Paul's 50th....

Here's a little something with did one Sunday..... celebrated Paul's 50th... images from the last 50years and some of the party.

... off to join the circus...

Ok, yes, again, I confess we are fans! We have been back to see Varekai, but this time from a different perspective. We were very generously hosted by Kev and Andi Atherton. We got to see the show again, this time from backstage and the orchestra pit. The cast we met made us feel very welcome, and it was a great show as always. If you haven't seen it yet do yourself a favour and GO SEE IT!

A few quick thank you's.

Thank you to Raphaél, Chef D'Orchestre extraordinaire and his merry band of musicians. Raphaél looked after us very well. And he's a talented jazz player too! He played a few little pieces before the show started, often with Paul and Vuk joining in. Those guys know how to have a good time! And the quality of the music is very impressive. You don't get to see the orchestra much from the audience, but boy, these guys make the show something special and are exceptionally talented. Oh and Brigette, well she also made saw we were hooded up at the right times, and she's a little minx.... she has a special little dance she does when no-one was looking! The rest of the cast should keep an eye out for that!

We also had an opportunity to chat Paul and Javier at the intermission - nice guys. We also chatted with Leysan, though we didn't see her act last night, the aerial hoop. So we have another excuse to come back and see the show :~)

And finally, our hosts Kev and Andi, thank you for the opportunity to be Visitors to the show and thank you for a great performance last night. It was great experience to see, met some of the cast as well, and see where it all comes together! Now its our turn to return the hospitality :D