Bali VII

One of my all time favourite images.  This image I took in Bali a few years ago.  I was walking along the beach with the sun setting over Jimbaran Bay, and noticed three guys fishing... as I got closer to them, I noticed that this guy was standing on the rocks and the sunset was turning a brilliant golden colour.  At the right moment I took this shot.  There is no colour adjustment or tom-foolery in this shot... it is as shot.  Only a slight rotation correction of the horizon.

... thats the end of the Photowalk series...

... thats the end of the Photowalk series...

Now there are more images from the great bunch of photographers who joined me for the walk.  We have set up a Flickr site called Perth Photowalk .. so if you wanna see more great shots or join us for the next photowalk give me a shout on the next one which we will be doing around Fremantle in autumn.

Next up some shots of one of our favourite locations... Bali, Indonesia.

oops... wondered why...

I was wondering why the blog hadn't sent me an update notification recently.... happens when you dont post something!!!!  D'oh.

Anyhoo... next couple of posts well complete the recent photowalk series...

And before I forget thank you for all the nice comments on the blog posts... much appreciated.  Seems we have over 90 regular blog buddies here.  Nice to know.


Photowalk XIII

Through a door...  one of the challenges was to shoot interesting doors and windows.  I like this image... something a little different and something that you look at a bit longer than normal.  If I had my time again, I would try and reduce the reflection off the black door. 

Photowalk XII

Love these stunning steps in Northbridge.  Bright colourful and not easily missed.  Even after a big night out!    Now you can just see some writing on the steps, but it is a 7-step stanza :D
