Boy, I'm knackered... The 2011 Nikon AIPP The Event Conference, Day Three

What an amazing day! Full on and impressive, and I think my head hurts, but I'm too tired to be sure.

Day Three of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography, annual conference, 2011 Nikon AIPP The Event. (and no it's not just a Nikon event, they are the head sponsors... It's very ecumenical! ;-)

The morning kicked off with an amazing gentleman, and landscape photographer, Andris Apse.  Andris is a New Zealand landscape photographer, who is very talented, tenacious and humble.  Anyone that will camp onto of a mountain for a couple of weeks to get the right shot is awesome, and his work speaks for itself.  I had the pleasure of having a great chat with Andres at the cocktail party after Tony Hewitt introduced us.  I have to confess I had no idea who he was, and I was stuck with what a nice guy he and his wife were..., and very geniune.  Next morning, he was giving the keynote address which made everyone very quiet! Andris's website

Speaking of Tony, another nice guy (shit, I hope he doesn't read this!).  He is the MC for the event.  Tony was recently awarded Grand Master Photographer, and is another very talented guy.  Also he is extremely passionate about increasing the professionalism and education of the professional photographic community, and a real gentleman who actually goes out of his way to help the 'baby' photogs.  Anways I disgress, Tony's talk was next, and was very entertaining and insightful.. all about connecting with people. Tony Hewitt's webiste

Next was a talk by Gavin Blue, President of Heartfelt and the Australian Commercial and Media Photography association, to those photogs thinking of joining the Heartfelt community.  What is Heartfelt?  Ahh, I'm glad you asked...

Heartfelt is a volunteer organisation of professional photographers from all over Australia dedicated to giving the gift of photographic memories to families that have experienced stillbirths, premature and ill infants and children in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units of their local hospitals, as well as children with serious and terminal illnesses.

Heartfelt is dedicated to providing this gift to families in a caring, compassionate manner with all services provided free of charge.

Yes, I will be applying.

Next, was a very quick lunch beak then off to Mercury Megaloudis's talk on keeping the passion alive.  In which he talked about what drives, motivates and challenges him to remain a highly awarded photographer...  including my favourites his dog portraits, for which he was awarded Portrait Photographer of the Year in 2008!  He's got a heap of other awards too.

Then off to a Peter Eastway, Kayell and Epson sponsored hands on workshop on Fine Art file preparation and printing.  Thank you for Peter for all the information, and to Kayell and Epson for access to the computers, printers and great Canson papers.  I printed up my iconic calla lily image and a portrait of Damien on an amazing fine art paper.  VERY IMPRESSED... I'll do a shot of them tomorrow as the light in the room wont do them justice.

So that was Day Three... I'll go back and do a bit of an overview of Days One and Two tomorrow... as I need to pass out!