2011 Nikon AIPP The Event: Day One
I know, I know... going in back in time out of sequence, oh well, consider it arty! :D
Ok, a brief overview of the AIPP annual conference, particularly for people I know who either dont know about the conference, or want to know about how I was moved/motivated by the speakers.
Day One, was a gentle start. Thank goodness. Only two workshops for the day. The first one was very very motivating. Given by Glen Gibson, who offered to step in for an overseas speaker that at the last moment was unable to make it. Anyway, Glen has an agency called Bluefish which is a visual communications agency. Glen started his career in photography and has grown his imagery and communication skills and agency. Anyways... an AWESOME guy, very genuine, and very willing to share his experience and knowledge. His specialist area, car photography. He spoke about that and the growth of CGI/CGA and advertising. Awesome. Made me think about the fine art applications for the work. Check out some of his work!
Also spent some time talking with Glen at the cocktail party later in the day. Very nice guy.
Next on the agenda was Sue Bryce. An amazing woman, with a unique style to portrait photography, particularly focusing on women. She was funny, inspiring, creative and curvey ;-) (in-conference joke)
She, like Glen, is highl award and accomplished. Have a look at her work at http://suebryce.com/
What did I get out of listening to her...crap... so much good stuff... have to check my notes...oh, and a plug for Upad on the iPad, got HEAPS of questions about the app I was scribling notes on at the conference. Ah, yes, putting the glamour back into glamour photography. Learnt a lot about valuing your work (if its good enough), also posing women, and about developing and adding to your community. Anyhoo... wicked portrait photographer!
Next was a talk by Hilary Wardhaugh, on her exhibition, "Die like a dog", which was about a her journey documenting a friend of hers who had head/neck cancer. It was a very personal and profound talk and I got what a profound difference photography makes in you lives. Though I suspect that other people got different things out of it. Highly recommend that if you get a chance to see this exhibition that you do, particularly if Hilary is talking about it. It was profound, moving, and touching. Oh, and dont be put off by the title.
Next, with a quick change, was off to the National Wine Centre, for the offical welcome and cocktail party. Here as I mentioned where I spent a great evening talking to Andris Apse, Glen Gibson and Julie Kimpton. Three awesome people.
Crap... boarding call... on the plane. Later!
Ok, a brief overview of the AIPP annual conference, particularly for people I know who either dont know about the conference, or want to know about how I was moved/motivated by the speakers.
Day One, was a gentle start. Thank goodness. Only two workshops for the day. The first one was very very motivating. Given by Glen Gibson, who offered to step in for an overseas speaker that at the last moment was unable to make it. Anyway, Glen has an agency called Bluefish which is a visual communications agency. Glen started his career in photography and has grown his imagery and communication skills and agency. Anyways... an AWESOME guy, very genuine, and very willing to share his experience and knowledge. His specialist area, car photography. He spoke about that and the growth of CGI/CGA and advertising. Awesome. Made me think about the fine art applications for the work. Check out some of his work!
Also spent some time talking with Glen at the cocktail party later in the day. Very nice guy.
Next on the agenda was Sue Bryce. An amazing woman, with a unique style to portrait photography, particularly focusing on women. She was funny, inspiring, creative and curvey ;-) (in-conference joke)
She, like Glen, is highl award and accomplished. Have a look at her work at http://suebryce.com/
What did I get out of listening to her...crap... so much good stuff... have to check my notes...oh, and a plug for Upad on the iPad, got HEAPS of questions about the app I was scribling notes on at the conference. Ah, yes, putting the glamour back into glamour photography. Learnt a lot about valuing your work (if its good enough), also posing women, and about developing and adding to your community. Anyhoo... wicked portrait photographer!
Next was a talk by Hilary Wardhaugh, on her exhibition, "Die like a dog", which was about a her journey documenting a friend of hers who had head/neck cancer. It was a very personal and profound talk and I got what a profound difference photography makes in you lives. Though I suspect that other people got different things out of it. Highly recommend that if you get a chance to see this exhibition that you do, particularly if Hilary is talking about it. It was profound, moving, and touching. Oh, and dont be put off by the title.
Next, with a quick change, was off to the National Wine Centre, for the offical welcome and cocktail party. Here as I mentioned where I spent a great evening talking to Andris Apse, Glen Gibson and Julie Kimpton. Three awesome people.
Crap... boarding call... on the plane. Later!
Boy, I'm knackered... The 2011 Nikon AIPP The Event Conference, Day Three
What an amazing day! Full on and impressive, and I think my head hurts, but I'm too tired to be sure.
Day Three of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography, annual conference, 2011 Nikon AIPP The Event. (and no it's not just a Nikon event, they are the head sponsors... It's very ecumenical! ;-)
The morning kicked off with an amazing gentleman, and landscape photographer, Andris Apse. Andris is a New Zealand landscape photographer, who is very talented, tenacious and humble. Anyone that will camp onto of a mountain for a couple of weeks to get the right shot is awesome, and his work speaks for itself. I had the pleasure of having a great chat with Andres at the cocktail party after Tony Hewitt introduced us. I have to confess I had no idea who he was, and I was stuck with what a nice guy he and his wife were..., and very geniune. Next morning, he was giving the keynote address which made everyone very quiet! Andris's website www.andrisapse.com
Speaking of Tony, another nice guy (shit, I hope he doesn't read this!). He is the MC for the event. Tony was recently awarded Grand Master Photographer, and is another very talented guy. Also he is extremely passionate about increasing the professionalism and education of the professional photographic community, and a real gentleman who actually goes out of his way to help the 'baby' photogs. Anways I disgress, Tony's talk was next, and was very entertaining and insightful.. all about connecting with people. Tony Hewitt's webiste
Next was a talk by Gavin Blue, President of Heartfelt and the Australian Commercial and Media Photography association, to those photogs thinking of joining the Heartfelt community. What is Heartfelt? Ahh, I'm glad you asked...
Heartfelt is a volunteer organisation of professional photographers from all over Australia dedicated to giving the gift of photographic memories to families that have experienced stillbirths, premature and ill infants and children in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units of their local hospitals, as well as children with serious and terminal illnesses.
Heartfelt is dedicated to providing this gift to families in a caring, compassionate manner with all services provided free of charge. http://www.heartfelt.org.au/
Yes, I will be applying.
Next, was a very quick lunch beak then off to Mercury Megaloudis's talk on keeping the passion alive. In which he talked about what drives, motivates and challenges him to remain a highly awarded photographer... including my favourites his dog portraits, for which he was awarded Portrait Photographer of the Year in 2008! He's got a heap of other awards too. http://www.mega.com.au/ws/
Then off to a Peter Eastway, Kayell and Epson sponsored hands on workshop on Fine Art file preparation and printing. Thank you for Peter for all the information, and to Kayell and Epson for access to the computers, printers and great Canson papers. I printed up my iconic calla lily image and a portrait of Damien on an amazing fine art paper. VERY IMPRESSED... I'll do a shot of them tomorrow as the light in the room wont do them justice.
So that was Day Three... I'll go back and do a bit of an overview of Days One and Two tomorrow... as I need to pass out!
Day Three of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography, annual conference, 2011 Nikon AIPP The Event. (and no it's not just a Nikon event, they are the head sponsors... It's very ecumenical! ;-)
The morning kicked off with an amazing gentleman, and landscape photographer, Andris Apse. Andris is a New Zealand landscape photographer, who is very talented, tenacious and humble. Anyone that will camp onto of a mountain for a couple of weeks to get the right shot is awesome, and his work speaks for itself. I had the pleasure of having a great chat with Andres at the cocktail party after Tony Hewitt introduced us. I have to confess I had no idea who he was, and I was stuck with what a nice guy he and his wife were..., and very geniune. Next morning, he was giving the keynote address which made everyone very quiet! Andris's website www.andrisapse.com
Speaking of Tony, another nice guy (shit, I hope he doesn't read this!). He is the MC for the event. Tony was recently awarded Grand Master Photographer, and is another very talented guy. Also he is extremely passionate about increasing the professionalism and education of the professional photographic community, and a real gentleman who actually goes out of his way to help the 'baby' photogs. Anways I disgress, Tony's talk was next, and was very entertaining and insightful.. all about connecting with people. Tony Hewitt's webiste
Next was a talk by Gavin Blue, President of Heartfelt and the Australian Commercial and Media Photography association, to those photogs thinking of joining the Heartfelt community. What is Heartfelt? Ahh, I'm glad you asked...
Heartfelt is a volunteer organisation of professional photographers from all over Australia dedicated to giving the gift of photographic memories to families that have experienced stillbirths, premature and ill infants and children in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units of their local hospitals, as well as children with serious and terminal illnesses.
Heartfelt is dedicated to providing this gift to families in a caring, compassionate manner with all services provided free of charge. http://www.heartfelt.org.au/
Yes, I will be applying.
Next, was a very quick lunch beak then off to Mercury Megaloudis's talk on keeping the passion alive. In which he talked about what drives, motivates and challenges him to remain a highly awarded photographer... including my favourites his dog portraits, for which he was awarded Portrait Photographer of the Year in 2008! He's got a heap of other awards too. http://www.mega.com.au/ws/
Then off to a Peter Eastway, Kayell and Epson sponsored hands on workshop on Fine Art file preparation and printing. Thank you for Peter for all the information, and to Kayell and Epson for access to the computers, printers and great Canson papers. I printed up my iconic calla lily image and a portrait of Damien on an amazing fine art paper. VERY IMPRESSED... I'll do a shot of them tomorrow as the light in the room wont do them justice.
So that was Day Three... I'll go back and do a bit of an overview of Days One and Two tomorrow... as I need to pass out!
Genevieve stopping traffic....
Having a fun time out on a shoot with Genevieve and Sarah in Fremantle. With a long lens on I had to get across a very busy road in downtown Fremantle, which proved interesting. Genevieve and Sarah, and all the lights on one side of the street, and me in between two cars, out of sight on the other side of the street taking the shots... and all these people driving by wondering what these two woman and a heap of a photography gear were doing without a photog in site! Gena did very well, even with the boys who did six laps around the block to get a good look! More to come...
An awesome image of Jay....
Really liking this image of Jay... just printing up a version (A2), Really strong image. Jay did really well. It was part of a calendar shoot I did for the ACDT4, and the location was an outdoor shower in the middle of winter... and I was the one complaining about the cold... not a peep from Jay... nice guy too.
ok ... a little confused between G+ and blogger... need to link them!
Hi hi.... well, finally finished keywording and loading all the holiday pictures. All 32GB... but I digress. Anyone know how to link G+ and blogger? Would welcome a shout if you do. Now a couple of images I just posted on G+