DNA Advert

Well some of you would have know that I have been collaborating with Daniel, Ryan and Kylie on a new campaign.  Well the first advert has gone live in the current issue of DNA magazine, and we are on page 8 opposite Andrew's editorial.  The ad looks great, as do the boys and the gear.  There will be some more shots from this shoot over the next couple of weeks, and a behind-the-scenes video of the 14 hour shoot!

Anyway... here is the ad... kudos boys.


This is another one of those things that we see and interact with everyday.  I got to admit I have a selection of these now, and everytime I capture one I get the weirdest looks... hmmm... I get weird looks anyway when I'm out with the camera.  :D



I sometimes see things that I haven't seen before.  Things that are right out in front of us, that we see everyday.  This is one of those things....


Northbridge stepping

Sometime ago I captured an image of the steps in the Northbridge Cultural Centre, just after they were painted.  Bright, bold and high impact the steps helped add a bit of colour to the area, but also probably aided the visually impaired with way-finding and where the step ends where.

This time I've captured them later in their life and later in the day.  I like the darker tones and the feel of this image.


Photowalk: Looking up at my feet

Now I was nearing the end of my scouting, and wandering along St Georges Tce, when I had an urge to look up... no idea why... but this is what I saw. Click on the image for a larger version.  I'm liking this one :D


Photowalk scouting IX: Paint the wall I

Back to the photowalk scouting.  Graffiti is one thing that I like and admire.  Some of the artists are very talented and have an amazing talent using colour... others, not so much.... and the little blighters who canned my old fence...grrr!

Enjoy the colours.


Bright, bold, and amazing.  A photograph from a walk down the park.... its amazing what you can find, when you look.  Enjoy!

Photowalk scouting VIII: French tickler

OK, that was a cheap attempt to grab your attention... hehehe... but it made me giggle.  Thank you to those of you who offered suggestions to rename 'Hole in the wall'.  I think Nic wins on his suggestion, and no, I can't repeat it!  hahaha....  *blush*

This one is a shot not of a French tickler, but of a grevillia, pink and cream.  Again, this was captured whilst I was scouting around for great locations for my photowalk buddies.  It often surprises me that in my normal daily mode I probably pass hundreds of similar photographic opportunities, not once noting they are there.  However in photographic mode I see this options pop up before me.

Now those of you who have met me know that I have at least one camera on me at all times.... often more.  My challenge for this week, is to look and see!
