Woah, all the pretty colours....

A few months ago, Paul had a seminar down in Mandurah, South of Perth, and I decided to tag along for the conference and spend the time on a walk around the city seeing what I could find.  This series of images caught my eye for its bold colours and great form.  Minimal processing has been done, a bit of contrast, mid tone contrast and sharpening.  A real fav. Enjoy.

Just keeping a bit busy with a few old photos

So back in January, I finally bit the bullet, and decided in a fit of mania to finally sort all our photos out that were in shoe-boxes, and get them scanned.  The picture below is I think about three shoe-boxes in!

Now here's a tip, if you are planning on doing this yourself, this bit is easy, the scanning, my advice, give it to professionals to do.  My precious collection was scanned in by Angelo at Fitzgerald Labs.  They did an awesome job, and also checked all the negatives were checked against prints.  A huge job, and its not over yet.

Six months later I am still doing the file-naming and key-wording but it will be great once it done and archived.  Next, all the old albums! Enjoy.

This one is from Paul: Lennon's Wall, Prague

A blog picture from Paul today.  This is a picture Paul took recently whilst in Prague.  It is of graffiti at a famous site, called Lennon's Wall.

Taken on our new Sony RX100, the full size image is awesome.  So far we have blown it up to A0 size, and going to try to take it to 2A0 (big!). Click on the picture to make it bigger.

Here is what Wikipedia says about the wall.

"The Lennon Wall or John Lennon Wall, is a wall in Prague, Czech Republic. Once a normal wall, since the 1980s it has been filled with John Lennon-inspired graffiti and pieces of lyrics from Beatles songs.
In 1988, the wall was a source of irritation for the communist regime of Gustáv Husák. Young Czechs would write grievances on the wall and in a report of the time this led to a clash between hundreds of students and security police on the nearby Charles Bridge. The movement these students followed was described ironically as "Lennonism" and Czech authorities described these people variously as alcoholics, mentally deranged, sociopathic, and agents of Western capitalism.
The wall continuously undergoes change and the original portrait of Lennon is long lost under layers of new paint. Even when the wall was repainted by some authorities, on the second day it was again full of poems and flowers. Today, the wall represents a symbol of youth ideals such as love and peace.
The wall is owned by the Knights of Malta, who allowed the graffiti to continue on the wall, and is located at Velkopřevorské náměstí (Grand Priory Square), Malá Strana." Wikipedia, 2013

Urban dreaming VII: Tie me up....

As soon as I saw this wall I knew I need to photograph it for this series.  Though the locals who where near by when I was photographing it were someone bemused by my attention and focus, and wondering why was a bloke with a big camera taking a picture of our cruddy wall.  Well cause it looks pretty to me.  I love the texture, the contrast and colour... Enjoy.


Just to mix it up a bit, a sort from a while ago, with Heath.  Heath was initially reluctant to get in front of the camera, but buddy Damien and his finance Natalie eventually encouraged him to do it, and I'm so glad he did.  Heath is a great bloke too.

Urban Photowalk I

Time for a bit of a series.  This group of images over the next few weeks is from a series called "Urban Walk".  I predominately get drawn to old, distressed finishes found in the middle of urban modern cities.  I hope you enjoy the series.  Enjoy.

Does it grate on you?

Something from the recent urban series. I really liked this for a couple of reasons.  Firstly the textures, the textured metal work, the slime dark water, and the leaves.  Next was the contrast between the grey of the concrete and the metal, with the organic forms of the water and leaves.  Enjoy.

The Dark Arts with Nicholas

I am always surprised by what I see when out on a photowalk.  Nicholas and I were out for a quickie (quick photowalk) and nattering away, when I spotted this.  I loved it immediately and could see it with deep dark colours.  A few tweeks when back home processing it, and its full Dark Arts reveals itself.  Enjoy.