The Nikon AIPP Then Event: Day Four part two

... ok the down hill run....  Two more sessions to go.

First was Steve Saporito, who spoke on portrait marketing.  What I got out of Steve's talk was the importance of market segmentation, and being clear with your marketing with each of the segments. Other messages included strategic alliances, and understanding what the people you are serving value.

Next and finally was the industry forum hosted by SBS Insight host and journalist Jenny Brockle, on the topic of "what makes for a professional photographer".

Now my initial reaction was - brave choice, she will have to work this hard but it was really fascinating to hear from a number of the panel members and the audience on diverging or similar views.  Certainly, there was a theme that there are clear difference between the degree of professionalism, consistent technical competence, craft/skill, business acumen and adhering to a industry code of conduct.  It was clear that gear is not the key point, which is just as well as the barriers to entry into the industry are tumbling down.  Personally, experience and expertise and in a lot of instances, relationships are important.  It was good to see that the new Continuing Professional Development program seemed to get a big tick, with the intent of ensuring contemporary skill development with the ultimate aim of branding and recognising an Accredited photographer.

The panel members were... awesome (yes I know... awesome again), with a high degree of insight. Jenny did a great job in exploring the topic.  In all, a great discussion that seemed to pass very quickly.

Then at the end I had an opportunity to talk with Rosh Sillars for a bit, which was a real treat. Thanks Rosh for the time.

All in all I was very impressed with the scale, scope and professionalism of the conference.  The mix was great, and evidenced a well thought out conference program that had something for everyone.  I would highly recommend attendance at next years event, which will be in NSW from the 26 - 29 Aug 2012... and I'm already booked in!

ok, back to the normal programming.