The Nikon AIPP Then Event: Day Four part one

Oh boy... now you have read three of the days of the conference.  Moving, powerful, inspirational. Again, if I had walked away at the end of day three I would have been content.  BUT, Day Four commenced with a bang and I was blown away again.

First up, another international keynote by Jesh de Rox.  What an amazing guy.  I'm going to post something below from a master photographer who was also at the event.  But before I do I will try and sum up my feeling about this session.  I'm going to use powerful, profound, emotional, and genuine.  Jesh has a gift in his ability to connect with people and enable them to express something very deep.  Jesh is a portrait photographer, who gave up a booming wedding photography business, do only do 30 couple portrait shots per year, and teach his approach to other photogs.  Now for those of you who know me, I have a psychology and business background and I understand his techniques and approach, but the thing I have learnt over the years is that you can't bullshit this stuff... you either 'feel it' and 'be it' or you dont.  I liked his approach and style.  I get why some people wont like him/his approach, but... you can't argue with success. I can image people trying to emulate his approach through replicating his techniques and not quiet getting the same outcomes.  Jesh is a pretty savy,  talented and creative guy. Kudos.

Oh, the quote from the other photographer.  I read this on Sue Bryce's blog, she has captured it more eloquently than I felt it, or could express it.  I wont put it all up but if you want to know what an experience and accomplished portrait photographer thought of the session, go to her site, and find the post on the 26 Oct. titled "Jesh de Rox".

From Sue ... "As he began I listened to the messages, work from the heart, value, care, life journey and purpose. All things that most good speakers unfold about their own path to success and all of this resonated with me. The way of the artist, the experience society that we are returning to. All of these things I to believe. Then he decided to demonstrate a simple powerful technique of the connection Jesh has branded as beloved. A good name yes, but just a label for an avenue to CONNECT and direct a client in front of the camera to their inside truth and light ready for capture.
After 22 years of shooting portrait I can honestly say, I have never seen a live demonstration of that power. I have never seen so many people openly cry. Men and women. Not from a contrived tear jerker way but truly mind blowing eye opening truth. Australians are a hard public to present to. Like Kiwi’s we are colder more rigid outwardly than our American counterparts, not less receptive just more ‘contained’ if you will. A product of our Poppy cropping upbringing. We don’t make a noise, we listen and we laugh gently when it is funny, no false bravado or as we say here. (No blowing smoke up your arse.) This is a true statement . . sorry Ha.
Today I watched Men cry, some went and called their wives and children. Women were sobbing. and NOT because Jesh did ANYTHING to make us cry. But because he took a gorgeous couple out of the audience and asked them some questions about each other. What they then did made us cry. I will never be the same after witnessing the exchange, between this Man and Woman. They will never be the same, I’m quite sure. There is an audience of Photographers here that have just experienced the most simple, beautiful and honest thing you can see and that is the open expression of love between 2 human beings.
Jesh you are a hero for being brave enough to remind the world of the beauty of why we are here. I stand corrected, informed, honoured and humbled. and I GET IT !
" quoted from Sue Bryce, 26 Oct 2011.